Employment Solutions Society
215 Dominion Street
B4V 2K7
Phone: 902-543-2479
Phone: 866-711-0411 (Toll Free)
Monthly calendar of offered courses: https://www.empsolutions.ca/calendar.html
We are a registered non-profit society dedicated to assisting job seekers find employment and employers find suitable workers.
We partner with government, community agencies and local employers to deliver our inclusive employment services. We help individuals with career planning, job searching and on-the-job development, and help employers with recruitment, planning and HR support. We have been serving job seekers and employers since 1994 and in 2016, we became a Nova Scotia Works – Employment Assistance Services Centre and received operational funding from the Province of Nova Scotia.
Our staff assist individuals and employers navigate a range of no cost programs and services that will aid in their success.

South Shore Opportunities
Business financing, support and advice
South Shore Opportunities covers the geographic area of Queens county and Lunenburg county. South Shore Opportunities cbdc offers financial, training and advisory services to entrepreneurs.
We are not-for-profit community-based organizations run by volunteers from the local business community who firmly believe in improving the economic viability of their communities.
Financial assistance is available in the form of loans, loan guarantees and equity financing to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Business counselling, help & advice is available to small businesses. We help businesses to succeed and therefore we give high priority to the advisory role of our mandate.
Entrepreneurship development and training to individuals and small business owners/managers is available in many of our offices.
Technical assistance usually takes the form of guidance and coaching, and sometimes advocating on behalf of our clients to other lending establishments or regulatory agencies.
Krista Harding, BBA,CPA, CMA
Executive Director
Tel: (902) 354.2616 Ext: 104
80 Logan Rd., Bridgewater
Toll-Free: (888) 303.2232
Eligible small businesses can receive up to $2,400 in microgrants to help with costs related to adopting digital technology.
Click here for more information

LIFT supplies small loans and business coaching to people in Lunenburg County who would like to start a small business or grow an existing business.
​LIFT is not a bank, or a government program – we are a group of community-minded people focused on social good, and on making Lunenburg County a great place to live for everyone.
You may qualify if :
you are a resident of Lunenburg County, or are planning to move here​​
have a business idea or a growing business which might benefit our area
need less than $10,000 to get underway
Let's talk business and help make your idea a reality!
Evelyn Ernst
Success Agent
Loan Facilitator/Business Coach
The Nova Scotia Inclusive Employment Collaborative (NSIEC) has launched. The labour shortage is not a new problem and yet there is a large group of people who WANT to work and aren't. NSIEC provides access and credibility to help this untapped labour force to succeed.
Check out their website for more information:

As business owners, you play a pivotal role in how immigrants can succeed in Nova Scotia
The more the province is aware of the importance and benefits of an inter-culturally skilled workplace and the kind of programs that isans offer, the more everyone benefits.
The winter 2022 schedule of workshops and presentations will be posted soon.
Please take a moment to complete the survey. The more we understand employer’s experiences, the better we can serve this community.

New Digital Resource Hub to Help You Enhance Your Online Presence
Delivered in partnership between Tourism Nova Scotia and Digital Nova Scotia, DigiPort is an online hub where you can connect with qualified digital service providers for one-on-one support and access articles, videos, tip sheets, webinars and more to help you be more visible online, reach more potential customers, and close the sale.
Tourism Nova Scotia offers all kinds of business support and resources. Check out their site: https://tourismns.ca/programs
Startup Canada
We help every entrepreneur by connecting local ecosystems from coast to coast to coast, empowering women to catalyze change, supporting exporters with global goals, and bridging the gap between entrepreneurs and the Government of Canada.
• startup women
• startup global
• startup gov
• business owners toolbox
Community Futures
We operate 267 non-profit offices across Canada that provide small business services to people living in rural and remote communities. Each office delivers small business loans, tools, training and events for people wanting to start, expand, franchise or sell a business.
From business plan to business success. We offer financing, mentoring and expertise to get your startup off the ground. If you’re 18 – 39 and ready to launch a business, we’re here to help you.
Mashup Lab
Start Now Incubator – catered to rural, indigenous, diverse and underserved women in Canada
Women’s Business Group
We are powerful worldwide network of like-minded professional women. Our supportive community is a place to connect, share ideas, and collaborate with other successful women. Apply now to join the WBG.